Restricciones para la Superintendente
The Board of Trustees, in collaboration with the Superintendent, also developed the Superintendent’s Constraints:
In attaining the Board’s student outcome goals, the Superintendent shall not:
- Allow the collaborative partnership between home, school, and community to deteriorate.
- Allow the District to be fiscally unsound.
- Allow adult convenience or preference to take priority over the academic progress of our students.
Auto-Restricciones de la Mesa Directiva
The Board shall operate within the Board’s role, as defined above, and the Board’s operating procedures.
The Board, either collectively or through the actions of individual Board Members, shall not:
- The Board members will not deviate from the Board’s operating procedures, particularly related to the protocol of communication.
- The Board will not deviate from the agenda once it is set 72 hours in advance.
- The Board will not get distracted from investing at least 50% of its time each month on setting/monitoring student outcome goals.
The Board of Trustees and Superintendent have worked together to make this a student-outcome focused process that will challenge us to keep improving student outcomes.