TEA Resources
HB 3 established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to recognize effective teachers on three different levels: Recognized, Exemplary and Master. These teacher designations generate additional teacher-focused allotment funding for districts in order for them to reward their top performers.
TEA Funding Allotment Details
Teacher Incentive Allotment 2021-2022 Funding Map
TEA House Bill 3 Details
House Bill 3 (HB 3) Implementation: Teacher Incentive Allotment
TEA National Board Certification
Beginning in April 2021, eligible National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) will earn a Recognized designation. The designation will expire the July following expiration of the teacher’s National Board Certification. NBCT candidates will earn a designation and generate an allotment for their district in April following their successful certification.
TEA Resources by Topic
TEA Teacher Incentive Allotment
House Bill 3 (HB 3), passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in June of 2019, established an optional Teacher Incentive Allotment with a stated goal of a six-figure salary for teachers who prioritize teaching in high needs areas and rural district campuses.
TEA Teacher Incentive Allotment FAQs
HB 3 FAQ: Supports Teachers and Rewards Teacher Excellence
TEA Texas Teachers and TIA
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) gives teachers an accessible pathway to earning a higher income while remaining in the classroom, allowing them to make a greater difference in the lives of Texas students. TIA elevates the teaching profession and allows districts to celebrate their top performing teachers with compensation and recognition through teacher designations.