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Migrant Education Program

Mission Statement

The San Elizario Migrant Education Program (MEP) is designed to improve the educational opportunities of migratory children by helping them succeed in the regular educational program by obtaining grade-level proficiency and meeting state assessment standards.

What is the Migrant Education Program?

The Migrant Education Program is a federally funded program designed to meet the unique needs of children of migrantory agricultural workers. The program is funded with Title 1, Part C entitlement funds. The districts allocation is based on the number of students who qualify for the program. The program assists both the schools and families with supplemental educational and support services.

Who is Eligible for the Migrant Education Program? 

  • Any family member who has worked, intended to work or is presently working  in a seasonal or temporary agricultural position.
  • Any family that has made a qualifying move within the last three years.
  • Any child must be between the ages of 3 and 21 years old.

For how long do families qualify for services?

Families qualify for three years from the last qualifying move. The family requalifies every time they  move across school district boundaries to look for an agricultural job.

What is an agricultural position?

    Temporary and seasonal positions may include:

  •  Any harvesting, picking, cutting, planting etc. in a field
  •  Nurseries-trucking/hauling of produce (fruits and vegetables)
  •  Dairies
  •  Animal farms

What can the Migrant Education Program do for the schools and families?

  • The program funding is to assist the school district with supplemental educational programs and services such as: staff and materials for Family Literacy Programs.
  • Program staff is available to assist the families and schools with communication in English and Spanish.
  • Program staff offer referrals to families for various services offered in the El Paso area (i.e., medical clinics for immunizations, food bank, etc.,)
  • Summer school is offered too.

How do school staff identify Migrant students?

  • A survey to identify Migrant students is presented to parents during the registration process or it can be sent to student's homes. Click below to print the surveys in both English and Spanish.
  • Based on information provided in the surveys, the Migrant Education Program Clerk will follow up with the individual families to determine if the students qualify to receive Migrant Education Services.
  • The Migrant Education Brochure offers a complete description of the program. The brochure includes information in both English and Spanish.