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Family and Community Engagement

Family and Community Engagement

Our Mission Statement

To nurture and sustain meaningful interactive partnerships between schools, families and community to fulfill the obligation of helping all students soar to high levels of academic and social achievement.

Program Requirement

Parent involvement always has been the centerpiece of Title I. The statute defines parental involvement as the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication involving student’s academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring –

  • That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning;
  • That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school;
  • That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; and
  • That other activities are carried out, such as those describe in section 1118 of the ESEA (Parent Involvement) [Section 9101(32). ESEA]

Activities/Strategies - Program Description

  • Inclusion of parents in activities of the Title I, Part A campuses (Title I, Part A)
  • Inclusion of parents in the development and reviw of the parent involvement policies and their effectiveness (Title I, Part A)
  • Inclusion of parents in the development of school-parent compacts (Title I, Part A)
  • Materials provided in an understandable format and in the parents primary language (Title I, Part A
  • Notification to parents at the beginning of school concerning the availability of teacher’s qualifications in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand (Title I, Part A)
  • Notification to parents when a child is assigned for 30 or more consecutive days to core academic subject teacher who is not highly qualified, in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand (Title I, Part A)
  • Establishment of a district wide Parent Advisory Council (PAC) that provides meaningful consultation in the planning and operation of the Migrant Education Program. PAC meetings must be conducted in a format and language that is understandable to the migrant parents (Title I, Part C)
  • Involvement of parents in educational programs designed to address the needs of migrant students (Title I, Part C)
  • Training and support to migrant parents in order for them to more fully participate in their child’s education (Title I, Part C)
  • Transportation and child care for parent involvement activities, including parent advisory council (PAC) meetings (Title I, Part C)
  • Notification policy in place t parents of participating student if Local Education Agency (school district) fails to meet Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives for Title III, Part A LEP, within 30 days of such a failure (Title III, Part A LEP)
  • Notification containing required information (Section 3302) within 30 days of beginning of school to parents of children identified for participation in Title III, Part A LEP program in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand (Title III, Part A LEP)
  • Notification containing required information (Section 3302) to parents within 2 weeks of late identification/entry into the Language Instruction Education Program (Title III, Part A LEP)
  • Outreach to parents of LEP students to inform them of how they can be involved in their children’s education and be active participants in helping their children learn English and achieve at high levels (Title III, Part A LEP)
  • Inclusion of parents in the development, review and evaluation of campus and district improvement plans through Site-Based Decision Making Committee (TEC)
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences (TEC)
  • Community outreach for parents of homeless children
  • Home visits
  • Surveys/Interviews
  • Training
  • Volunteer Activities

Why is Parent Involvement so Important?

Parents play a critical role in their children’s development at all ages. Before children are old enough to enter formal schooling, parents foster their children’s development by playing and reading with their children daily and generally teaching them about the world in which they live. Once children enter formal schooling, it is still important for parents to interact with and support their children both in the home and school environments. Research has shown that, no matter the ethnicity or income level of a family, children do better in school, like school more, and stay in school longer when their parents are actively involved in their lives at home and at school.

How Can I Help My Child Do His/Her Best At School?

  • Make sure your child has a nutritious breakfast
  • Make sure your child gets a good night’s sleep (about 10 hours)
  • Make sure your child has a quiet time and place to do homework
  • Meet your child’s teacher(s)
  • Read daily to your child (or, have them read to you)
  • Help your child see how math works in everyday activities like telling time, counting money, banking, grocery shopping, or cooking
  • Visit the library with your child
  • Go on family field trips to parks, museums, festivals, fairs – anywhere that children can learn
  • Listen to music together
  • Play games
  • Work puzzles
  • Limit “screen time” like television, video games, and computers (less than 2 hours a day)
  • Check your child’s homework folder/school papers every day to learn about what is being studied, monitor your child’s progress and read notes from teachers (with older children, ask about their studies and ask to see their work)
  • Talk to your child about their day
  • Teach your child about things that are important to you
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences
  • Attend school-sponsored functions
  • Speak positively about school
  • Be a lifetime learner - your child is watching!

Things to do at Your Childs School:

  • Meet your child’s teacher(s) and principal
  • Attend school functions
  • Attend parent-teacher conferences
  • Join the Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) at your child’s school
  • Volunteer to help in the classroom (one time or on a regular basis)
  • Volunteer to help in the school

District Parent Liaison


Flor Sanchez


Flor Sanchez
(915) 872-3939 Ext. 3512

Parent and Community Engagement
