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House Bill 5 New Graduation Plan Information




As per HB 5, San Elizario ISD will implement new graduation requirements for incoming ninth grade students for the 2014-2015 school year, and every year after. The new graduation plans include a state approved Foundation plan plus a choice of one or more of the following five Endorsement areas: Arts and Humanities, Business and Industry, Multidisciplinary Studies, Public Service, and STEM. Endorsement choices are designed to allow greater flexibility in a student’s public education experience and to enable students to take courses allowing them to pursue a traditional educational path into higher education such as attending college or university, or to move directly into the workforce filling various gaps in areas identified as needing specific, critical skills which students may obtain in many high school classes.

By default, all students enrolled at San Elizario high school will continue on a rigorous curriculum to four courses in English, Math, Science and Social Studies, to include Algebra II. By completing all courses required for the Foundation plan, courses necessary for an Endorsement (including Algebra II), San Elizario students will earn a Distinguished Level of Achievement and Endorsement which will be indicated on their diploma and high school transcript. This will ensure their eligibility for enrollment into any Texas University.

The following HB 5 resources are available for your download and review. If you have specific questions regarding your son or daughters personal graduation plan, please contact campus administration.

* Endorsement Graduation Tool Kit
* Endorsement Graduation Tool Kit (Spanish)
* Foundation Graduation Plan
* HB5 Graduation Plan Fact Sheet
* Endorsement Pathways