Law Enforcement Program of Study
Alfredo Tellez Teacher Bio |
Public Services Endorsements
Law Enforcement Program of Study
I. Law Enforcement I (1 Credit, GL 9-12)
a. Overview of the history, organization, and functions of local, state, and federal law enforcement. Students will understand the role of constitutional law at local, state, and federal levels; the U.S. legal system; criminal law; and law enforcement terminology and the classification and elements of crime.
II. Law Enforcement II (1 Credit, GL 11-12)
a. Provides the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare for a career in law enforcement. Students will understand ethical and legal responsibilities, patrol procedures, first responder roles, telecommunications, emergency equipment operations, and courtroom testimony.
b. Prerequisite: Law Enforcement I
III. Correctional Services (1 Credit, GL 10-12)
a. Students prepare for certification required for employment as a municipal, county, state, or federal correctional officer. Students will learn the role and responsibilities of a county or municipal correctional officer; discuss relevant rules, regulations, and laws of municipal, county, state, or federal facilities; and discuss defensive tactics, restraint techniques, and first aid procedures as used in the municipal, county, state, or federal correctional setting. Students will analyze rehabilitation and alternatives to institutionalization for inmates.
b. No Prerequisite
IV. Forensic Science (1 Credit, GL 11-12)
a. Introduces students to the application of science to connect a violation of law to a specific criminal, criminal act, or behavior and victim. Students will learn terminology and procedures related to the search and examination of physical evidence in criminal cases as they are performed in a typical crime laboratory. Using scientific methods, students will collect and analyze evidence such as fingerprints, bodily fluids, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, and cartridge cases. Students will also learn the history and the legal aspects as they relate to each discipline of forensic science.
b. Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry
V. Practicum in Law Enforcement (2 Credits, GL 12)
a. Designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills in law, public safety, corrections, and security. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students are encouraged to participate in extended learning experiences such as career and technical student organizations and other leadership or extracurricular organizations.
b. Prerequisite: Law Enforcement II
c. Certification: Level II - Non-Commissioned (Unarmed) Officer
Program of Study at a glance - Law Enforcement Program of Study
- *** Level II - Non-Commissioned (Unarmed) and Commissioned Officer (Armed)***
Career and Technical Student Organization