Title IX Polices and Procedures
Title IX - Polices and Procedures
San Elizario ISD is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the District is, on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any District program or activity. Gender-based harassment and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, are forms of sex discrimination in that they deny or limit an individual's ability to participate in or benefit from the District programs or activities.
If San Elizario ISD is aware of sexual harassment or sexual violence that creates a hostile environment, the district must take immediate action to end the harassment, prevent its recurrence, and remediate its effects—regardless of whether a student complains.
OCR enforces Title IX through administrative complaints brought by students or legal compliance reviews. Violations can result in removal of all federal funding. Traditionally, complaints are resolved through a Voluntary Resolution Agreement (VRA), a form of settlement, with the district. OCR can find a Title IX violation if a “responsible employee” knows of sexual harassment and fails to remedy the situation.
Title IX also prohibits retaliation against students or employees who report sexual harassment. The retaliation prohibition includes not only the school district but also any students or employees accused of harassment. Further, a student can prevail on a claim, or OCR may find Title IX violations, if the district did not prevent retaliation even if there was no finding of harassment in the initial reported incident.