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Leaving the Nest Resigning Retiring from SEISD

How to Resign or Retire from SEISD

Create a letter of resignation/retirement.

Letter must include the following:



  • Full Name
  • Title-Position
  • Campus/Department Name
  • Type of separation: Resignation or Retirement
  • Last day of employment with SEISD


Date: 01/01/2021

"I, (employee name) employee at (campus/department) will be (resigning/retiring) from the San Elizario Independent School Distsrict effective on December 18, 2021."

                (Signature & Date)                 

Submit letter to appropriate supervisor for signature, date & acceptance.

Campus/Department will forward official letter to Human Resources for Director and Superintendent approval. 

Employee will receive an acknowledgement e-mail from Human Resources.

When the resignation/retirement letter is approved by Human Resources, an acknowledgement/release e-mail will be sent to the employee which provides details on the separation/exit process to follow.

SEISD thanks your for your service and wishes you luck in your future endeavors.