The City of El Paso is asking anyone who uses the Home Rapid tests to please self-report using this link Covid-19 self report
City of El Paso Testing
Testing is free and available for anyone 6 months or older with or without symptoms.
COVID testing specimens will be collected curbside.
Patients are asked to park in the designated parking area for testing and call the number on the parking spaces sign.
Follow the instructions provided by staff member on the call.
COVID-19 Clinics
(6 months and older, NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED)
All clinics are open Tuesday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- 7380 Remcon
- 9566 Railroad
- 9341 Alameda
Specimens will be collected curbside. Patients are asked to park in the designated parking area for testing and follow the instructions provided upon arrival.
Notification to view test results will be provided via email within 3-5 days. Don’t forget to check your Junk/Spam email folders.
For more testing sites please visit the website or click the link here Covid-19 Testing Locations
Test results for samples that were collected by the City of El Paso at 7380 Remcon, 9566 Railroad, or 110 Candelaria St. are available by contacting GYN PATH Services at and click COVID-19 PATIENTS or you may call GYN PATH directly at 915-755-8478.
City of El Paso Testing Kiosk
The City of El Paso offers FREE COVID-19 Easy-to-Use Self-Testing Kiosk located in various locations throughout the City.
Residents can register online at or access the registration app by scanning the QR code on the machine. After you register, scan your QR confirmation code at the kiosk and a test kit will be dispensed. Follow the instructions in the kit to perform the test. The test uses a nasal swab to collect the specimen. Once the specimen is collected, drop off your sample in the kiosk’s collection box. Specimens are picked up daily for PCR testing.
Test results will be sent via text or email within 48 hours from your test date. For questions about test results, call (800) 402-0000 3 p.m. - 6 a.m. Monday through Friday, and Saturdays and Sundays are open 24 hours.
Kiosk Locations:
Esperanza Acosta Moreno Branch Library
12480 Pebble Hills
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Located on the exterior of the building adjacent to the rear parking lot
Arturo “Tury” Benavides Cielo Vista Transit Center
1165 Sunmount
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Located on the exterior adjacent to other vending machines
Al Jefferson Westside Transit Center
7535 Remcon
Open from 4:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Located on the interior adjacent to other vending machines
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
*Now in operation
3333 N. Mesa
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Located on UTEP property (cross street is Kern Drive)
For more testing sites please click the link here Covid-19 Testing Locations
At-Home Testing Kits
As the federal government has discontinued the free at-home COVID-19 test kit program there are still options avialable to recieve free at-home COVID-19 test kits with health insurance. As always, check with your health insurance on at-home test kit coverage.
Residents are able to request at-home testing kits from the federal government via and are reminded to please report positive test results via the Self-Reporting Form.
- Individuals covered under Medicare and/or Medicaid and private insurances can still receive up to 8 tests per enrolled person month. (You'll need to check with your insurance company on the proper process to request the test).
- Test may be reimbursed via your health insurance.
- Test kits can be covered by some insurance plans at participating pharmacies.
If you do not have health insurance the city offers free COVID-19 testing at the locations below.